Bilingualism is the ability to understand and/or use two or more languages.
The term therefore includes ‘multilingualism’, which is the knowledge and/or use of several languages
Being bilingual is an advantage to any child at any age.
- Your home language is the most important.
- Learning two languages won’t confuse your child but it may take them a little longer to pick up.
- Your child will be ready to learn English when they are good at using their home language.
- Switching from one language to another shows your child knows both languages well.
- Avoid ‘teaching’ English and making your child speak English – this can put them off talking.
- Your child will learn English from being around other English speakers, e.g. in nursery or at local groups.
- Don’t worry if your child is quiet when starting nursery/playgroup – this is common when learning a new language.
Only using a few words in their home language = contact a Speech and Language Therapist *
* or contact your GP, Health Visitor or early years setting
For more information visit
BBC – tiny happy people: bilingualUsing home language well but only saying a few English words = allow more time for them to pick up English
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