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How can speech and language therapy help?
Our commitment is to help children and young people communicate to the best of their ability.
We aim to minimise any negative impact of speech, language or communication difficulties for children and young people and their family, as well as on their education and social lives.
Our geographical boundary is Newcastle and we also treat children and young people through regional services.
We can provide specialist support for:
- Acquired speech and language difficulties (e.g. head injury, stroke)
- Autism
- Early Language Development
- Language Difficulties (primary and secondary school-age)
- Speech/Pronunciation Difficulties
- Developmental language disorder
- Moderate Learning Difficulties
- Hearing impairment team
- Stammering
- Eating and Drinking
- Voice
- 16 to 25 service for young people with an EHCP
Our team of highly trained speech and language therapists and dedicated support staff will ensure that children and young people receive the best possible healthcare and treatment, tailored to their individual needs.
We aim to provide children and young people centred, integrated support. We assess children and young people’s needs and work closely with children and young people, parents/carers, and other specialists to develop an individual care plan which links seamlessly to the child’s everyday activities, enabling them to continue their normal lives as much as possible.
There is an open referral system which means that anyone, including parents, can refer.
You can find our referral guidelines hereContact details
Gavin Stockman–Brown, office manager on 0191 282 3085
Useful websites
Newcastle Hospitals – 0-19 service
NHS start for life: Learning to talk (2 to 3 years)