Appointments – Freeman Hospital: (0191) 223 1012
What is a liver biopsy?
This is where a needle is used to take a small piece of your liver. The sample will be looked at under a microscope and will help your doctors to diagnose and treat your condition.
Why is it “transjugular”?
Most people have a biopsy taken by a needle passed directly through the skin into the liver. Some people, however, have abnormal blood clotting or have fluid around their liver. For these people it is safer to pass the needle from a vein in the neck (the jugular vein) to the inside of the liver. This way a hole is not made on the outside of the liver and the rare risk of serious bleeding is made even less likely.
What does it involve?
You will be admitted to a ward for an overnight stay. On the day of the biopsy you will be allowed to drink but not eat beforehand. If you are diabetic and take insulin, you may need a drip to keep your blood sugars controlled.
You will be taken to the x-ray department where a radiologist, or “x-ray doctor”, will perform the biopsy. The skin on the right side of your neck will be cleaned, covered in clean drapes and then numbed with local anaesthetic. A small needle is passed through a wire from the jugular vein down to the liver.
Over the wire a long flexible needle is positioned inside a liver vein and the biopsy is taken. The x-ray equipment is used to guide the needle. The procedure takes up to 60 minutes.
Will it hurt?
You will feel some pushing in the neck and an ache in the upper stomach when the biopsy needle is put in. You may also get some pain in the right shoulder. This soon goes away.
What happens next?
When you get back to the ward the nurses will check your pulse and blood pressure regularly. You will be asked to stay in bed for 6 hours. The results of the biopsy will take at least a week to get back to your hospital doctor.
I need an ambulance. Do you arrange one?
If you need an ambulance, you must ask your GP’s surgery to arrange one but you will need to give them three working days notice. Please inform the department if you are arriving by ambulance.
What if I have any comments, suggestions or questions?
Should you have any suggestions or concerns, please make these known to the person conducting your examination, or by letter addressed to:
The Departmental Manager
Main X-ray Department, Freeman Hospital, High Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7DN
Telephone: (0191) 282 1099
Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm
Switchboard: (0191) 233 6161 (24 hours)
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) can offer on-the-spot advice and information about the NHS. You can contact them on freephone 0800 032 02 02 or email [email protected]
Diagnostic Imaging Dataset
Information from your diagnostic test will contribute to the Diagnostic Imaging Dataset.
The Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (DID) is a database that holds information on the imaging tests and scans carried out on NHS patients. This will allow the Health and Social Care Information Centre to see how different tests are used across the country.
Nothing will ever be reported that identifies you. All information is stored securely. It is only made available to appropriate staff, and is kept strictly confidential. However, if you do not want your information to be stored in the DID, please tell the people who are treating you. They will make sure your information is not copied into the DID.
You may, at a later date, still decide to opt out. Please contact the Health and Social Care Information Centre directly, their contact details are:
Telephone: 0845 300 6016
Email: [email protected]
Information produced by: Dr J Rose, Consultant Radiologist