The cardiothoracic transplantation psychology service looks after people’s emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing during transplantation.
What does a clinical psychologist do?
Clinical psychologists work with you if things feel difficult for you, your mood has changed or you have something on your mind which is having a negative effect on how you feel or how you cope. This may or may not be directly related to your transplant.
Depending on your needs, we may focus on helping you make sense of how you feel or it may be about providing you with skills to help you to cope better. It may be to help you to adjust after transplant and work toward making a positive change in your life.
The service is confidential unless there are issues of harm or risk which we need to act on. The Clinical psychologist will write brief notes on your digital hospital record.
Who is it for?
The service is available to everyone accessing the heart and lung transplant service who feel that they might benefit from a talking therapy. There is a link between mental health and physical health and the Unit recognises that looking after your mental health is very important.
Where would I be seen?
We can see you at your outpatient clinic appointment within the Institute of Transplantation. However, we can arrange a separate time for you to come in. You are welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment. We can also use Attend Anywhere to do virtual sessions from home.
You can also ask to be seen during an inpatient stay. The clinical psychologist will see you on the ward. Ask any member of the team looking after you to arrange this for you or contact us directly on the details at the back of this leaflet.
How long does it take?
This depends on what you need. You might be seen briefly during a routine clinic or you could arrange a longer, one hour, appointment if necessary. You may only need one session or a number of sessions. The clinical psychologist will help you to think through what your needs might be with you.
You will not be given medication by a clinical psychologist.
How can I be referred into the service?
You can ask any member of the team to arrange a referral for you.
Please feel free to make contact with the clinical psychologist, or any member of the team, will be happy to answer any questions about the service and whether or not it might be right for you.
Contact us
Tel: 0191 213 8248
Transplant Outpatients: 0191 213 1151