This is used to correct problems with the palate.
What is an alveolar bone graft (ABG)?
One of the jobs of your gum is to hold your teeth in the right place. For some people there is a gap in the gum and this means the gum can’t do its job properly. One way of helping the gum to work properly is to have an alveolar (gum) bone graft (ABG). This is when a little bit of bone that is taken from your hip is put inside your gum to make it stronger.
Why do I need to have an ABG?
The gap in your gum is made bigger after wearing braces so that a piece of your hip can be put into your gum. This is so your grown-up teeth can be as straight as possible and to give them a strong base. This is so they don’t wobble about as they grow. It can help to support the base of your nose too. This operation will not make your face look different.
What will happen first?
You have probably been wearing braces for some time. Your orthodontist will change your brace for a smaller one which will hold your teeth nice and still for your operation.
Where will I have my operation?
You will have your operation at the Royal Victoria Infirmary. You will stay on ward one which is a ward just for children and young people.
Contact us
Tel: 0191 282 0660
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm