Oculoplastics service cares for people with problems with their eyelids, tears ducts, or the tissues around and behind the eyes.
We are assess and treat people with a number of conditions, these include:
- Malposition of an eyelid such as drooping upper eyelid (ptosis), in-turning eyelid (entropion), out-turning lower eyelid (ectropion)
- Watering eyes
- Protrusion of the eyeball
- Lump (or lesion) in the skin close to the eye
- Thyroid eye disease
- Problems with an artificial eye, or needing an artificial eye
Most eyelid surgery will be done under local anaesthesia as a day-case patient.
If you need general anaesthesia for your surgery, you may be able to have this as a day case,however most often patients will have to stay overnight.
How can I be referred into the service?
You should see your GP or optician and if they decide your eye condition needs to be investigated by our services you will receive an appointment letter.
Urgent sight problems
For treatment for urgent, sight-threatening problems, please come directly to our Eye Emergency Department.