A vestibular assessment is used to understand the problems you are having with balance and dizziness.
A vestibular assessment can take up to two hours. The tests performed will depend on the problems you are having.
The tests look at the way your brain combines information from your balance organ, vision and body.
Balance tests
The tests include:
History, otoscopy and tympanometry
Firstly, we will take a detailed history from you asking about your balance problems, general health and lifestyle.
Secondly, we will look in your ears and do a test to see how your middle ear is working. A soft probe tip is placed into your ear. You will you feel a slight pressure in your ears like going through a tunnel or up in a lift.
To assess your balance, you may be asked to stand with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed on a foam pad.
This test challenges the balance system to see how much your balance system relies on the information from each of the three main senses for balance.
Dix-Hallpike Manouevre
To look for positioning or positional vertigo, the audiologist may look for any eye movements or dizziness that occur when you move your body into different positions on the couch.
We will do several tests recording your eye movements using a pair of goggles that contain a small camera.
Please wear as little make up as possible around the eyes as this makes the recording very difficult.
Recording leads can be placed around the eye if goggles in the Videonystagmography test are not suitable for you.
Some tests simply involve following a light with your eyes. The make it easier for you to see this light we will make the room darker.
Caloric testing
A Caloric test involves putting a small amount of either water or air into each ear, while recording your eye movements.
This will stimulate the balance organ in your ear, so the balance function of your ears can be checked. This helps the audiologist to see if there is difference between the ears.
More information
For more information about vestibular assessment, please contact: