The vestibular service provides investigation into people with dizziness and balance disorders.
Balance disorders are rarely serious in medical terms, but for some people they can be extremely disturbing. For some people it can prevent them from performing everyday tasks, others may barely notice their dizziness.
Investigation service
Audiologists will work closely with the ENT doctors to assess, diagnose and treat balance problems.
Audiologists will carry out a full range of diagnostic investigations for balance. This is where we use specialist techniques to examine your vestibular (balance) organs.
You may have symptoms of dizziness or imbalance because of damage to the balance organs in the inner ear, on one or both sides.
Rehabilitation clinics
Our audiologists with a specialist interest in balance, will work with you to develop a plan to achieve your goals.
Additionally, we have an annual information day on balance conditions, and a patient support group called ne1 dizzy.
How to get an appointment
We currently only accept referrals from the ENT Department and outreach clinics. Your ENT consultant can refer you for both vestibular assessment and rehabilitation.
If you feel you have balance problems, speak to your GP about a referral to ENT.
More information
For more details about the Vestibular Service, please contact:
- Telephone: 0191 223 1043
- Email: [email protected]
GP referral criteria
Conditions Treated
- Vertigo / Dizziness / Imbalance of Otologic Origin
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Acoustic Neuroma
- Vestibular Failure
Procedures performed
- Audiometry
- Vestibular Testing
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- CT/MRI scans
- Epley Manoeuvre
- Middle Ear Surgery
- Acoustic Neuroma Excision
- Dizziness/Vertigo/Balance problems of non-otologic cause
- No-one under 16 years
Administrative requirements
Transport should for the patient should be booked by the practice.If an interpreter is needed include details with the referral letter
Please include:
- All demographic details of your patient.
- Any past medical and surgical history.
- If the patient has been treated or seen for the same condition at another hospital.
- A current list of medication your patient is currently taking.
- Results of any investigations carried out before referral.