The ENT speech and language therapy team provides care for children with throat symptoms, this includes:
What will happen at your child’s appointment?
During your assessment, we will ask for information about your child’s medical history, throat health and the impact of your throat symptoms. Assessment may include laryngoscopy. For children with breathlessness symptoms, assessment may be at a specialist multi-professional clinic.
Treatment is centred on your child’s individual needs. Therapy relies on lots of practise of specific exercises and the implementation of strategies between your child’s appointments.
Treatments include:
- Education and advice to treat the different voice disorders, this includes voice and throat care
- Direct voice exercises to release any tension in the muscles of the voice box and throat
- Psychological and emotional support
Our main aim is to help children achieve the best possible function in order to allow them to continue with their daily activities to the best of their ability. We aim to enable patients to manage their symptoms themselves.
This video will help your child to better understand what will happen at their appointment.