Useful organisations
Disability North
Disability North can advise on disability and mobility issues, and provide information on equipment and adaptations. Get more information from:
Telephone: 0191 284 0480
Smoking Cessation
You can get support to help you stop smoking from the Newcastle Stop Smoking Service.
You can also get help from:
The Limbless Association
The Limbless Association is a UK charity for people with limb loss, their family and friends. They offer information on all aspects of limb loss. Find out more at:
Helpline: 0800 644 0185
Email: [email protected]
Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Free, independent and confidential advice on a range of issues:
Telephone: 08444 111 444 (national number)
Driving Mobility Centre
Information, advice and assessment for people who have a medical condition or are recovering from an accident or injury which may affect their ability to drive or access a motor vehicle.
Telephone: 0191 287 5090
email: [email protected]
Diabetes UK
A charity working for people with diabetes, their family, friends and carers. To locate your local branch contact:
Telephone: 020 7424 1000
email: [email protected]
Age UK
A charity working with and for older people. There are a number of offices across the region.
Helpline: 0800 169 6565
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)
Provides advice and support for patients, families and carers. They work within NHS trusts in Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland and the North East Ambulance Service.
PALS on Newcastle Hospitals website
SHADA (Sexual health and disability allowance)
Support about the sexual health of disabled people:
BLESMA (The British Limbless Ex-Service Men’s Association)
A national military charity that supports servicemen who have lost limbs or the use of limbs or eyesight, while representing their country.
Telephone: 020 8590 1124
Association for children with hand or arm deficiency.
Telephone: 0845 130 6225