We provide specialist physiotherapy treatment and support for patients who have had a lower limb amputation.
The amputee physiotherapy team also provides advice, assessment and rehabilitation for patients.
Our services
We are based at the Disablement Services Centre at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.
We provide outpatient physiotherapy services for amputees in Newcastle, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Gateshead.
Amputees living in Northumberland, Sunderland and Durham will attend a physiotherapy department nearer to their home.
Physiotherapy before an artificial limb
We provide assessment and rehabilitation services for patients who want to be assessed for an artificial limb. This involves:
- exercises
- balance work
- walking practice with an early walking aid.
An artificial limb is not appropriate for everyone. We use walking aids to assess if a patient is safe to use an artificial limb:
- patients who have had an amputation below the knee will use a PPAM Aid (Pneumatic Post Amputation Mobility Aid)
- patients who have had an amputation above the knee will use a femurett – walking device with an especially well-balanced biomechanical construction.
Physiotherapy with an artificial limb
Patients that are fitted with an artificial limb will need to attend physiotherapy to learn how to walk with their artificial leg.
All patients will start to practice their walking in the parallel bars under the supervision of our trained staff.
When patients can walk safely using the bars, they then learn to use a walking aid – usually a frame, crutches or sticks. All patients will need a walking aid to begin with.
Once a good walking pattern is achieved and patients are safe using a walking aid, the artificial limb can be used at home.
This length of time this process takes can vary – on average from three to six months. This depends on each individual and their type of amputation.
Physiotherapy for established limb-wearers
Once patients are used to walking with their artificial limb, they could need further physiotherapy. This may be for:
- progressing from using a walking aid
- balance/mobility issues
- improving function and independence
- falls.
Our aim
Our aim is to provide specialist, high quality and professional physiotherapy services for patients who have had a lower limb amputation.
We work closely with a range of healthcare professionals to promote health education and independence, and to help people maximise their short and long-term potential.
Respect and dignity is observed with all our patients.
We are committed to ongoing learning and development of all our staff to improve standards and quality of care.
Contact us
For more information about the Amputee Physiotherapy Service, please contact us:
Telephone: 0191 2231184