The Amputee Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Service is based in the Disablement Services Centre at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.
We provide upper and lower limb prosthetics to adults and children across the North East of England.
Our services
We look after over 2,000 patients and see 150 new patients every year.
Our services include:
Our team of specialists is led by ‘Extended Scope Physiotherapists’, and services are provided by:
- Extended Scope Physiotherapists
- Prosthetists
- Physiotherapists
- Technicians
- Medical Rehabilitation consultant
- Nursing Sister
- Occupational Therapist
- Psychologist.
You can find out more about our team.
Accessing our service
Patients are normally referred to the service by hospital surgical teams after amputation. GPs and other healthcare professionals can also refer patients to us.
We will work with you and your family to provide the highest quality care and help you to achieve the best possible results. We will involve you in all decisions made around your rehabilitation.
Once you have been referred to us, you will be assessed by our team. If you are given an artificial limb, you will remain our patient for as long as you wear the limb.
Our service includes providing, maintaining and repairing artificial limbs. You can ring us to make an appointment to see your Prosthetist or any other member of the team whenever you need to.
Patients should make an appointment once a year to have the prosthesis checked.
Coming to your appointment
Your appointment will be at the Disablement Services Centre.
For appointment details and general enquiries, please speak to the centre’s reception staff.
How to find us
- Come onto the Freeman Hospital site from Freeman Road
- Turn immediately left to the Disablement Services Centre
- The postcode of the centre is NE7 7AF

Opening times
Appointments are available:
Monday to Thursday
8:30am to 4:00pm
8.30am to 3.30pm
Emergency appointments can be arranged if necessary.
Facilities at the centre
We have a range of facilities available at the centre:
- reception area with coffee bar: open from 10.00am – 12.00pm – drinks machines are also available
- prosthetic cast and fitting rooms
- physiotherapy gym
- paediatric treatment rooms
- clinic rooms
- outdoor multi-surface assessment area.
The centre is fully accessible to people with disabilities including those in wheelchairs.
Contact us
For more information about the Disablement Services Centre, please contact reception:
Telephone: 0191 2231184