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If your patient is concerned about a family history of ovarian and/or related cancers, please use the following referral guideline to determine if they meet criteria for a referral to clinical genetics.
All relatives used in a risk assessment should be on the same side of the family unless otherwise stated.
If you are not sure about a referral indication based on the structure below, please contact the genetics department, including via advice and guidance.
Population (low) risk
No Genetics referral or further advice indicated
- 1 fdr diagnosed at any age with ovarian cancer (no other family history of related cancers).
Risk possibly increased
Refer for further assessment, ideally with completed FHQ
- 2 fdr, or 1 fdr and 1 sdr with ovarian cancer diagnosed at any age
- 1 fdr with ovarian cancer and 1 or more relatives with breast or colorectal cancer.
fdr = first degree relative (parent, sibling or child)
sdr = second degree relative (grandparent, aunt/uncle or grandchild)