When you have radiotherapy, your treatment is planned carefully and specifically for you. The number of pre-treatment steps will depend on the area of the body being treated. All pre-treatment steps you need will be explained to you at your consultation appointment.
These steps may include:
- mould room appointments
- appointments for a planning CT scan
- appointments for a planning MRI scan.
The Radiotherapy Scheduling Department will book these appointments with you by phone. A full explanation of any specific preparations you need to complete before these appointments will be given at the same time.
As part of your planning sessions we will ask you to have a photograph taken. This is to help us identify you throughout your course of treatment.
You will also be asked your name and date of birth each time you attend the department to confirm identity.
Mould room appointments
Part of the planning process may involve a visit to the mould room. It is important to keep the part of the body being treated as still as possible, therefore you may need to wear a specially made mould or mask during your radiotherapy to help keep you in the correct position or to protect parts of your body around the treatment area.
Thermo Plastic
This process uses a sheet of plastic net that, when heated in warm water, becomes soft and stretchy. The mask is made by placing this over your body and feels a little like a warm flannel. It takes your shape as the plastic cools, this takes a few minutes.
This process usually requires one appointment.
Vacuum Bags (VacBag)
These are used to help keep your arm, shoulder or body in the treatment position. They are polystyrene ball filled bags, similar to a bean bag.
You will lie on one of these bags in the treatment position and when you are comfortable the air is removed from the bag to make a rigid support moulded to your shape. They ensure that you are in exactly the same position for each treatment.
Other devices
Occasionally bespoke devices are made for specialised treatments. If you require one of these your doctor will discuss this with you and the mould room technicians will explain the procedure to you.
Contact us
Radiotherapy Scheduling
Telephone: 0191 213 8777
Email: [email protected]