Personalised cancer care allows you to have more control. It gives you an active role in the way we plan and deliver your care.
On this page
We can address your concerns and needs from when you are diagnosed all the way through your treatment and beyond.
About personalised care
It’s important you speak with your healthcare team about any concerns or worries you may have. We can help support you and your family to get the right help.
Holistic needs assessment (HNA) and personalised care plans
The holistic needs assessment (HNA) is a simple set of questions which cover all areas of your life. This is not just your cancer symptoms. Taking a few moments to tell us about your individual concerns can help us give you the support you need. We can create a personalised care plan to meet your needs.
Holistic needs for people with cancer
End of cancer treatment summary letters
We will produce a treatment summary at the end of each initial treatment for cancer which we will share with you and your GP.
Letters usually contain
- An overview of any treatment you have received. (eg. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy details.)
- Details of any potential side effects of treatment
- The signs and symptoms of cancer recurrence
- Contact details of your clinical team to address any concerns.
The end of cancer treatment summary letter also supports GPs with cancer care reviews.
Cancer care reviews
A cancer care review (CCR) is a conversation between you and your GP or practice nurse about your cancer journey.
A CCR can help patients to
- Talk about their cancer experience and concerns
- Understand what support is available in their community
- Receive the information they need to begin supported self-management.
You can have a review with your GP at any time. Your practice may contact you between 3-12 months after diagnosis to offer you a cancer care review.
Cancer registry
When you are diagnosed with cancer in the UK, some information about you, your diagnosis and treatment is collected in a cancer registry.
The cancer registry use this information to plan and improve health and care services. This is to understand the number of people in England who have cancer and how well treatments are working. This can also inform direct patient care. Your hospital will usually give this information to the registry automatically.
You should have received a cancer registry leaflet from your clinical team explaining this. The cancer registry keep this information safe and secure through strict rules. For more information, visit National Cancer Registration guide (NDRS).