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The School Nursing Team comprises of a number of professionals working together to support your child’s health and development. The team will support families and children from their Reception year onwards. They work in locality teams and work closely within the community family hub ensuring that they have extensive knowledge of the local community and services.
The 0-19 service does not provide immunisations in school s there is a dedicated school aged immunisation team. However, we can provide information around the UK vaccination programme in order to promote vaccine update within our area.
It is often said that a healthy body means a healthy mind and here in the 0-19 service our trained nurses and professionals can guide you through making healthy lifestyle choices.
Newcastle School health team work to promote healthier lifestyles, and one of the ways we do this is to provide classroom and curriculum support to schools for provision of those important health messages.
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is available to those children in both reception and year 6 and provides an annual opportunity for our Service to engage with parents about their child’s health.
Pre-school assessment can help to support a child’s smooth transition into primary or secondary school. We can provide advice, guidance and support for a range of issues such as behaviour, healthy lifestyles, growing up, puberty, toileting and emotional wellbeing.
The Solihull Approach is an early intervention framework of support that aims to increase the emotional health and well-being of both children and families.