Your communication, encouragement of self-care skills and supporting their emotional development so they can understand and express their own needs will help prepare them for school life.
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Here are some ideas to think about to help prepare your child to be ready to learn.
- Sleep – does your child have a regular bedtime routine to fall asleep around 6-8pm. Such as supper, bath, clean teeth, into bed, story, fall asleep
- Getting dressed – can your child put on their clothes, coat and shoes.
- Getting washed – can your child wash their hands, face and teeth.
- Toileting – can your child go to the toilet for wees and poos through the day and pull their clothes up and down.
- Eating and drinking – can your child use a fork, knife and spoon. Can they open wrappers. Can they drink from a cup. Do they eat a variety of family foods and are they a healthy weight.
- Listening and understanding – can your child listen, follow instructions and routines.
- Communication skills – Can your child communicate how they are feeling and what they want.
- Developing social skills – can your child share and take turns. Can they tidy up. Can they separate from you to go into nursery/school.
- Pre writing – can your child make marks on paper with pencils/crayons. Do they know some colours.
- Reading skills – can your child recognise their own name. Does your child enjoy looking at books and talking about the pictures.
- Number skills – can you child count and recognise numbers up to 5. Can they name simple shapes like circle, triangle and square.
If you have any questions or concerns ahead of your child starting school please contact your health visiting team on 0191 282 3319 to discuss support options.
Your next routine contact with a health professional will be a letter in the term before they start school to ask if you have any concerns.
Single point of access
You have open access to the health visiting service by calling the Single Point of Access if you need support or guidance.
Monday to Friday 8.30am-4pm.