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Hello Baby!
The new birth visit is carried out approximately 2 weeks after your baby has been born and tends to overlap with your discharge from the community midwife.
This visit takes place at home and lasts around 1 hour. As with the antenatal contact, partners and/or other parents are very welcome to attend and it is best that all parents are present if able.
This visit allows your health visitor to assess the health needs of you, your baby and family. We will discuss your labour and birth experience, how well you feel you are recovering physically and emotionally from the birth and whether you require any follow ups with maternity or your GP.
We will also carry out a top to toe examination of your baby including reviewing their weight and documenting any birth marks. There are some common minor issues babies can suffer from including ‘sticky eyes’, new born spots, dry skin and baby rash that we can discuss management of.
Feeding assessments are important for breast fed and bottle fed babies. If you choose to breastfeed, we can observe a feed, help with positioning and attachment and help you understand what to look for to ensure your baby is getting enough milk.
If you choose to bottle feed, we will discuss how much and how often your baby is feeding and with all babies – a lot of parents find it useful to keep a note to remember how much their baby feeds. We also like to know how many wet and dirty nappies they have each day.
We will discuss emotional well-being for all the family and how you have found the first few weeks of becoming a parent. We can give helpful tips about how to cope with a crying baby.
Please remember it’s important to access support if you’re struggling with anything, having a baby is a big event and we will support you without judgement.
Health information
Like with all contacts your health visitor carries out we will also discuss general health information including bonding and attachment with your baby, immunisation schedule, safe sleeping, smoking cessation, contraception, and diet and exercise.
It is important your baby is registered at your local GP practice and Registry Office.
Moving forward
Depending on what you and your health visitor discuss at this appointment or feel is needed for your family going forward we may arrange a further follow up at home or at a local baby clinic prior to the next planned visit at 6-8 weeks.
Your next routine visit with the health visitor will be the 6-8 week check.