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Bookable well baby clinics
Come along if you would like your baby weighed or have any questions.
There will be a member of our health visiting team present at the clinic. Please bring your child’s red book.
You will need an appointment.
To book an appointment please ring your health visiting team on 0191 282 3319 between 8.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Drop-in well baby clinics
Come along if you would like your baby weighed or have any questions. There will be a member of our health visiting team present at the clinic. Please bring your child’s red book.
You do not need an appointment.
Breastfeeding bookable clinics
Come along if you would like your baby weighed or have any questions about breastfeeding. There will be a member of the Health Visiting team present at the clinic. Please bring your child’s red book.
You will need to book an appointment for this clinic.
To book an appointment please ring your health visiting team on 0191 282 3319 between 8.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Temporary closure of Haven
The Haven (Halewood Avenue – Kenton) will be temporarily closed for 2 weeks from from Friday 28 March until Monday 14 April due to essential building works.
Therefore, our breastfeeding and baby clinics will be cancelled until reopening.
We are excited about the improvements and look forward to welcoming you back to our clinics when we reopen
0-1 years infant feeding drop-in clinics
Come along if you would like your baby weighed or have any questions about feeding.
There will be a member of the health visiting team present at the clinic. Please bring your child’s red book.
You will not need an appointment.
We have various workshops running across the city, providing health information and guidance relating to:
- Antenatal care
- 3-4 month development
- Introduction to solid foods
You can attend any of the sessions within the city.
Please ring 0191 282 3319 between 8.30am and 4pm, Monday to Friday to book a place.
Just want to weigh your baby?
Try our self-weigh baby stations. No health visitor present but you can come along and weigh your baby.
We have self-weigh locations across the city. These are in addition to the health visitor and 0-19 staff nurse led drop-in and bookable appointments which we offer.