This appointment will usually take place within your home or a clinic when your child reaches 2-2½ years (24 – 30 months).
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We will send you an appointment letter in the post along with an ages and stages questionnaires relevant to your child’s age range for you to fill in before your visit.
It’s really helpful if you fill these questionnaires in as they will help you to prepare for the appointment and see how your child is progressing by trying the activities with your child.
The questionnaires cover different areas of development.
Areas of development
- Speech, language and understanding
- Physical development
- Motor skills
- Problem solving
- Social skills
- Emotional skills and behaviours.
During this appointment your child’s height and weight will be recorded in your Red Book (please bring your red book with you to the appointment).
The appointment gives you an opportunity to discuss any worries or concerns you have, these may include:
- Any health concerns
- Developmental concerns
- Diet and nutrition
- Behaviour
- Toilet training
- Sleep
- Preparing for nursery or school.
We understand everyone’s journey and situation is unique to them, it is important to remember this visit is an opportunity for you to talk about your child’s progress, learn more about what you can do to help their development and make sure you have the support you need.
Toilet training
You may be starting to think about toilet training. There is no perfect time to start potty training and every child is different.
Most children are ready between 18 months and 3 years, we can discuss how to get your child ready for toilet training and signpost you to useful links. The aim is for your child to be toilet trained through the day before they start pre school / reception
This stage of your child’s development can be challenging, the health professional will sensitively review your emotional well-being, providing support and guidance where necessary to yourself and the family.
As with previous visits the health professional will discuss general health information including:
- Immunisations
- Dental care
- Smoking cessation
- Safety
- Health promotion