‘Your experience matters’ is the message from Newcastle Hospitals, at the start of a significant review to make it easier for people to share feedback about the care they’ve received.
For the next four weeks, patients, staff, visitors and carers are being asked to say what they think about how Newcastle Hospitals gathers and uses patient feedback to improve services and care.
The review is taking place to help health staff understand what is working well and where improvements could be made to develop new ways of collecting and using feedback, ensuring as many patients as possible get to have their say.
Maurya Cushlow, executive chief nurse at Newcastle Hospitals said:
“It’s so important that we hear and act on the views of people we’re here to care for.
“At Newcastle Hospitals we have around 8000 patient contacts every day and, while we already seek patient feedback through a variety of channels, we’re hoping this review will help identify new and innovative ways for information to be shared with us on a regular basis.
“I’m keen that we gather as many views as possible from across our services and do this in ways that are easy and accessible.
“Once we have that valuable information, we need to ensure we’re analysing and incorporating the feedback into positive improvements.”
Maurya continued: “We want to look at someone’s initial experience, for example when they first come to us with an illness or injury, all the way through to inpatient or outpatient care, discharge and after care.”
Over the next few months, a number of different activities will be taking place to seek the views of patients, carers and staff across hospital and community sites – including surveys, workshops, interviews and drop-in sessions.
The information gathered will be used to develop a new patient experience strategy, to be rolled out from autumn 2023.
Have your say by taking part in a short survey, open until 16 July, where you could win up to £100 www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/YourExperienceMatters/