Regarding the recent announcement from Sir Jim, as Chair, I considered very carefully whether this change was the right one for the trust. We have made huge progress in a short time across the organisation, much of which is down to Jim’s personal leadership, and I am very aware of how much more we still have to do.
However, I am also mindful that Jim is now needed by the whole NHS, and the country, and it was in that spirit that the Board has supported his secondment. While we are very sad to see him go, albeit for a short time, it is a great honour for him to be asked to serve in this way.
Jim has made an enormous impact on each of us over the last 14 months and he has been instrumental in leading us through a turbulent period, fostering an open and transparent culture.
I am confident that there will be a smooth handover to Rob Harrison, deputy chief executive, who will act as our chief executive for the next period.
Jim has led us through an extensive process of strengthening our Board and governance arrangements during his tenure, and Rob and the senior team will continue this programme. I have every confidence in the executive and operational management teams and know that we are in a strong position to continue to thrive.
Change can be challenging, but we now have a strong foundation to build on. As a Board we are committed to fostering an organisation where voices are heard and where we can all help to shape the future of our services.
Sir Paul Ennals