The new website provides information about the wide range of laboratory services provided by Newcastle Hospitals.
The site contains operational, technical and scientific information for users within our hospitals and external partners including GPs, other healthcare providers, research and science professionals. The site also provides information about services and processes for patients and partners.
Our integrated laboratory teams handle and process thousands of tests every week, supporting diagnosis and treatment in hospital and the community. The laboratories are fully accredited and work to the highest quality standards.
Key sections of the new website include:
Test directory – technical and scientific information on tests carried out in the labs, including turnaround times, sample stability and transport requirements.
About us – meet the team, opening hours, contact information and more.
Laboratory services – details the wide range of both routine and specialist laboratory services provided.
Resources – a depository of laboratory resources including guidance documents and some specialist request forms.
Please visit Newcastle Hospitals laboratories and give us your feedback and comments by emailing [email protected].