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You may have seen this being called ‘Martha’s Rule’.
Call for concern means you can get an urgent review in hospital if you are worried that you, your relative or friend is becoming more unwell.
You can call a dedicated team if you think your concerns are not being listened to or acted upon. The team are available to support you and staff on the ward.
If you are worried
You can press your bell to speak to a nurse or member of the team about your worries. You can also ask to speak to the nurse in charge or doctor.
If you have done this and:
- There has been no change in the care.
- The ward has not acted upon your concerns.
- You are still worried that you, or your relative or friend is getting more unwell.
You can ask the ward staff to contact us, or you can call the team on:
Freeman Hospital
When you call we will need to know
- Patient name
- Ward
- Description of your concerns
- Your contact details and relationship to the patient
We will listen to you and are here to help. We will try to answer all calls as quickly as possible.
What we cannot help with
- A wider problem you are having with your hospital stay. This might include the hospital room, food and bed or any issues with parking.
General issues
For any other general issues, please speak to a member of the ward team or ask for the nurse in charge. You can also raise a formal complaint through our patient experience team or through the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).