We run a wide range of outpatient clinics for many specialities.
For most people, the outpatient department is the main contact they have with our doctors, nurses and therapists.
Freeman Hospital outpatients Royal Victoria Infirmary outpatientsWe also hold clinics in community locations and in other hospitals across the region, to minimise travel for patients wherever possible.
Newcastle Hospitals is a smoke free site
This means that you are not allowed to smoke anywhere in the hospital buildings and grounds. If you are smoking on site, you may be asked to move.
Vaping is only allowed outside, well away from all buildings.
The best thing you can do for your health and your recovery is to stop smoking and there is lots of help available.
There’s a free local Stop Smoking Service near you
Local Stop Smoking Services provide free and friendly support and encouragement to help you stop. They have friendly and expert advisors who have helped thousands of people like you quit smoking. They understand what it’s like to quit smoking and can provide a range of proven methods to help you quit.
They can also advise you on quitting aids and stop smoking medication, and provide you with the best option for you.
If you live in Newcastle you can contact the team on 0191 269 1103
If you live outside of Newcastle, telephone 0300 123 1044