Reception – 0191 2820604
The Assessment suite looks after patients admitted either from the RVI’s emergency department or the patient’s own GP.
We see patients with a wide range of conditions and problems, and they are seen by the medical and surgical doctors on call.
During assessment, we carry out tests to investigate the underlying cause and are often able to start treatment the same day, if needed.
Patients are seen quickly and their stay is likely to be short. Many patients are discharged directly home from the Assessment Suite. Others require ongoing care and are transferred to a different ward or hospital depending upon their condition and needs.
Same Day Emergency Care Unit
The Same Day Emergency Care Unit is located next to the Assessment Suite.
Patients are referred to the unit from GPs and other local services or hospitals.
We carry out investigations and urgent treatment for patients with a range of conditions. These include blood clots, infections and chest pain.
The majority of patients are seen and treated quickly, and discharged back home within 24 hours.