Supporting the growth of research and research careers is a central aspect of the UK Government’s strategy for the NHS to deliver world class, innovative healthcare.
The NHS Constitution is clear in its commitment to research and innovation to improve the health and care of the population. Furthermore, the NHS Long Term Plan, 2019 recognises the central role of the NHS in advancing health research and innovation.
In the last few years, we have seen the launch of three key strategies to support research capacity and capability building in our Nurses, Midwives and AHPs.
Making research matter
The first, the Chief Nursing Officer’s Strategic Plan “Making Research Matter”, the second, the Health Education England AHP Research & Innovation Strategy, and the third, the Chief Midwifery Officer for England’s strategic plan for research.
All have a shared ambition to create a people centred research environment, fully embedded in practice, with relevant and appropriately differentiated support and development opportunities.
As a recognised leader in the research landscape Newcastle Hospitals is committed to enabling our Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) to develop and lead innovative, world-class care and treatment, to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment outcomes for our people.
Research capacity and capability building is a key priority in our overarching Five Year Strategy with Pioneering – Ensuring that we are at the forefront of health innovation and research – as a key element.
Newcastle’s NMAHP Strategy
We have a dedicated research priority in our NMAHP Strategy.
A key workstream within this is to strengthen our research capacity through innovative research related training and development opportunities, via internally led programmes and partnerships with Higher Education Institutions.
Newcastle’s Research Strategy
Finally, our Trust’s Research Strategy commits to actively pursue and progress opportunities for integrating research within clinical teams and therefore, within clinical care, and to ensure all researchers are afforded time to progress their research.
Our NMAHP professions connect across multiple boundaries and work closely with patients and service users within broad multidisciplinary teams. They are well positioned to identify and lead research that makes a significant impact and drives positive outcomes.