Julia De Soyza
Julia is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in respiratory nursing.
She enjoys working with MDTs and going back into clinical areas to support teams with their improvements that will directly impact patient care.
Caroline Fieldsend
Caroline is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in optometry.
She is motivated to identify opportunities to streamline services with the overarching aim of improving quality of patient care, efficiency of services and promoting standardisations.
Susanne Harkness
Susanne is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in physiotherapy.
She enjoys working with people wanting to improve the services that they work in for both staff and patients, coaching them through the QI process.
Dr Annette Richardson
Annette is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in critical care.
She has great experience with Trust-wide improvement campaigns and is passionate about facilitating staff and teams to improve patient care.
Ben Slater
Ben is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in physiotherapy.
He found himself working in quality improvement when it became a growing focus and source of learning in his clinical work as a physiotherapist.
Sarah Watson
Sarah is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in occupational therapy.
She enjoys seeing positive outcomes and would like to see QI having an impact on everyone’s daily work, being the way we do things and changing the culture.
Ruth Williams
Ruth is an Improvement Facilitator with a background in physiotherapy.
She has experience of new patient pathways whilst working in major trauma rehabilitation and is keen to support others as they strive to improve services and the patient journey.