Gordon Elder, Chief Nursing Information Officer

Gordon Elder is an Associate Director of Nursing and one of the Chief Nursing Information Officers (CNIO) for the Newcastle Hospitals.
Gordon uses his extensive nursing experience and operational knowledge – combined with skills as an accomplished digital leader – bridging the gap between technical and clinical teams.
Chris Bill, Chief Nursing Information Officer

Chris Bill is an Associate Director of Nursing and one of the Chief Nursing Information Officers (CNIO) for the Newcastle Hospitals.
As CNIO Chris supports the overall digital maturity of the organisation, acting as the bridge between IT staff and nursing, midwifery and AHP (NMAHP) colleagues.
Allison Deagle, Matron for Digital Health

Allison Deagle is the Matron for Digital Health and her role is to engage with staff from both acute hospital and community settings, supporting them to embrace the implementation of new technologies that will improve and enhance both direct and indirect patient care.
Gill Bewick, Digital Health Nurse Specialist

Gill Bewick is a Specialist Nurse in Digital Health and liaises between clinical and technical colleagues as we identify the need for, develop and implement new technology in clinical practice.
She supports and guides staff as new enhancements to our systems are introduced.
Corinne Johnson, Lead Midwife for Digital Health

Corinne Johnson is Newcastle’s Lead Midwife for Digital Health at the Royal Victoria Infirmary’s Maternity Unit.
She is supporting and guiding colleagues through the development and implementation of a new maternity electronic patient record ensuring full clinical input from start to finish.
Victoria Mulholland, Digital Health Nurse Specialist

Victoria Mulholland is a Digital Health Nurse Specialist with a background in emergency, urgent and primary care.
Her role is to act as a digital ambassador for clinical colleagues by using her nursing experience and skills to ensure what is expected of them whilst using the different digital systems is realistic.
Keighley Shilling, Digital Health Nurse Specialist

Keighley Shilling is a Digital Health Nurse Specialist and developed a passion for digital healthcare during her time in colorectal surgery.
She works with clinical colleagues to promote and help improve our digital health systems – to ensure they work for those who use them, ultimately bridging the gap between the clinical and IT worlds.