Today (Wednesday 26 April) is National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Day giving us the opportunity to celebrate our 80+ strong Cancer CNS workforce who are dedicated to ensuring our patients and their loved ones have the best possible experience whilst in our care.
Now in its second year, the day was founded by Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance with support from Health Education England, Macmillan Cancer Support, the United Kingdom Oncology Nursing Society and the Royal College of Nursing, to raise the profile of cancer clinical nurse specialists at a time when patients and the cancer workforce need them more than ever.
CNSs are highly specialised, experienced nurses, who have undertaken additional study and training to advance their skills, knowledge and expertise.
Whilst their day to day duties may differ slightly depending on the type of cancer they deal with, they all have an ability to develop strong relationships and build a sense of trust, honesty and openness with their patients and families to support them in the best possible way.
Clinical nurse specialists use their expertise to assess and treat patients, and their role often extends to other areas such as research. Roles include:
- Advanced clinical diagnostic skills
- In depth knowledge of a tumour area
- Ability to assess patient’s holistic needs
- Advanced communication and advocacy skills
- Empathy for their patients and their families
- Excellent decision making skills
- Leadership with the MDT and wide cancer team
- Innovation, project management and change management
We are featuring stories from some of our wonderful nursing colleagues throughout the day as they share the commitment and passion that drives them to provide the highest quality care and what makes them truly love their job.