This event has passed
Our next in person presentation will take place on 1 December 2022 between 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Clinical Resource Building, Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI). Refreshments will be available from 1.30pm in the Large Staffroom, Peacock Hall, RVI.
The programme is as follows:
2pm | Welcome and Introduction by Professor Sir John Burn, Trust Chairman |
2.10pm | Governor Activities: Presentation by Judy Carrick, Deputy Lead Governor This presentation will provide an overview of activities undertaken by our Public and Staff Governors during the calendar year 2022. |
2.30pm | Innovative Developments: A. Day Treatment Centre (DTC): Presentation by Rachel Lonsdale, Directorate Manager and David Rix, Clinical Lead This presentation will provide an overview of the work of our new DTC, including the patient journey through the DTC. |
3pm | B. Screening for Inherited Bowel Cancer: Presentation by Patricia Herrero, Senior Genetic Technologist This presentation will cover the implementation of population-wide effective colorectal cancer screening for Lynch syndrome using the MSI-Plus Assay. |
3.30pm | Questions and Close by Professor Sir John Burn, Trust Chairman |
If you would like to attend the event, please call us on freephone 0800 015 0136 or email your name, address and telephone number to: [email protected].
We are keen to keep you informed about all of the fantastic events we hold, including our Annual General Meeting. Further information will be released in due course. So please do make sure that we have your current email address to keep you up to date.
You can also find out more about the many exciting developments and achievements led by our amazing staff by following our Chief Executive, Dame Jackie Daniel’s fortnightly blog at
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