This event has passed
The Trust’s Annual Members’ Meeting will be held on Tuesday 27 September at the CRB Lecture Theatre, RVI from 1.30pm – 3.30pm
The event, hosted by the Chairman, will include a Review of the Year and launch the Annual Report and Accounts for 2021/22.
The formal meeting begins at 2.30pm and prior to this, a number of our staff groups will be showcasing their innovative services from 1.30pm-2.15pm. The marketplace will be held next to our Staff Bistro in the Peacock Hall/CRB Education Centre. Staff will be available to meet visitors as they arrive at the Peacock Hall entrance and direct accordingly. These include:
- Community Services
- Elderly Care
- Children’s Services
- Newcastle Improvement
- Innovation Lab
- Newcastle Hospitals Charity
- Clinical Governance and Risk Department – Quality Developments and Priorities
- Estates Developments
If you would like to attend please contact [email protected] for further details, we look forward to seeing you there. Any questions to be raised at the meeting are to be submitted in advance to the same email address.
Event agenda
Welcome and introductions | Professor Sir John Burn, Chairman |
Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 September 2021 and Matters Arising | Professor Sir John Burn, Chairman |
Review of the Year and Annual Report for 2021/22 | Dame Jackie Daniel, Chief Executive |
Quality and Patient Safety | Angela O’Brien, Director of Quality & Effectiveness |
Annual Accounts for 2021/22 | Jackie Bilcliff, Chief Finance Officer and Cameron Waddell, Partner at Mazars LLP |
Questions from the floor and closing remarks | Professor Sir John Burn, Chairman |