Professor Philip White is an Honorary Consultant Neuroradiologist at Newcastle’s Neurosciences Centre specialising in cerebral aneurysm and vascular malformations; stroke; cerebrovascular imaging and research.
Professor White has been a Consultant since 2000 and until 2012 was Lead Clinician for the South East Scotland Interventional Neuroradiology Service. He then moved to Newcastle to take up the UK’s first University Chair in Interventional Neuroradiology.
A practicing academic, he is also a Professor of Interventional and Diagnostic Neuroradiology at Newcastle University:
Clinical interests include diagnostic and interventional Neuroradiology (INR) and Professor is currently one of four consultants who provide the UK leading interventional Neuroradiology service at Newcastle for the North East and North Cumbria.
He works closely clinically with the stroke physicians, neurosurgeons, neurologists and neuro-intensivists, running joint clinics with vascular neurosurgery as well as a dedicated INR clinic weekly and multiple neuroscience / stroke / cancer / paediatric specialist multidisciplinary meetings.
Professor White’s research is concentrated in running randomised controlled trials in stroke intervention and aneurysm therapy; cerebrovascular imaging and the evaluation of stroke care services (with many colleagues in Newcastle and around the UK). However the Neuroradiology research portfolio in Newcastle is far wider and expanding rapidly.
Among other professional activities, Professor White chairs the UK Stroke Research Network acute studies group and also represents the Royal College of Radiologists on the Intercollegiate Stroke Working party (which run the national stroke audit and produces the National Clinical guideline for Stroke).
He is also Chair of the British Society of Neuroradiologists Standards Subcommittee and Secretary to the UK Neurointerventional Group, and acts as a specialist advisor to NICE, NCEPOD, HTA and Wellcome Trust.