Dr Michael Keogh is an honorary consultant neurologist at the RVI and specialises in genetic forms of neurological disease primarily movement disorders, and also a subspecialist interest in sleep neurology. He undertakes a general neurology clinic on Thursday and his specialist sleep or movement disorder genetics clinics on a Wednesday.
He has a Bachelor of Medical Sciences degree (BMedSci) from Nottingham University, and his medical degree (BMBS) and a Master of Clinical Neurology degree (MSc) also from Nottingham University. He has also undertaken a post-graduate degree in clinical research (MClinRes) from Newcastle University, and a PhD in the genetics of neurodegenerative disorders from the University of Cambridge where he won the Milo Keynes Prize in the Department of Clinical Medicine. Most recenty he has also taken a research fellowship in gene therapy in the USA.
He has worked as an Honorary Consultant Neurologist and a Northern Health Innovation Partners (NHIP) Senior Clinical Fellow since 2023 where alongside his clinical work he is developing a research group with an active interest in better understanding the genetics of neurodegenerative disorders.’