Dr Ken Baker is an Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist at the Freeman Hospital, and a Senior Clinical Fellow at Newcastle University. He has a clinical interest in adult inflammatory arthritis, with a research focus on understanding and predicting rheumatoid arthritis flare and drug-free remission.
Dr Baker graduated in Medicine at Oxford University in 2008, and completed his clinical training in Oxford, Yorkshire and the North East. He was awarded a PhD from Newcastle University in 2018 for his work on identifying predictors of drug-free remission for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
He is a member of the national Versus Arthritis Research Advisory Group on Adult Inflammatory Arthritis, a member of the British Society for Rheumatology Heberden Committee, and an inagural member of the British Society for Rheumatology Future Leaders Programme.
Dr Baker is a passionate supporter of embedding research and new technologies in routine clinical practice to deliver innovative, effective and compassionate care for our patients. He is the Digital Lead for the department, including a service improvement project to enable the remote monitoring of self-reported arthritis activity by patients with rheumatoid arthritis. He is Clinical Lead for the RheumatOid Arthritis DMard tAPering (ROADMAP) Service – a new clinic at the Freeman Hospital that supports patients with stable rheumatoid arthritis who wish to try reducing their arthritis drugs.
He also helps to support our local Public and patient Involvement and engagement in Musculoskeletal research (PIMS) group, allowing patients and the public to help shape the direction of our research and be involved in our exciting discoveries.