Dr Alice Lorenzi is a Consultant Rheumatologist at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital specialising in connective tissue diseases including Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA).
Dr Lorenzi trained in Yorkshire and the North East, and was awarded a Clinical Research Fellowship from the ARC (now Versus Arthritis) n 2001. She undertook a period of research investigating the function of the thymus gland in rheumatic diseases under the supervision of Professor John Isaacs. Dr Lorenzi was awarded a PhD in 2008 and appointed Consultant Rheumatologist in 2009.
As well as running general rheumatology clinics, Dr Lorenzi has a special interest in Giant Cell Arteritis and is part of the team running our Fast Track GCA Service. She also hold clinics for patients with connective tissue disorders and vasculitis.
Dr Lorenzi sits on the North East Regional CTD and vasculitis MDT, and set up and maintains the Trust’s GCA service database recording our patient cohort and outcomes. She is actively involved in research in GCA and vasculitis recruiting patients to academic and commercial studies. Our service is part of the TARGET consortium coordinating research into GCA and PMR.