The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) is mandated by the NHS Standard Contract and applies to all NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts from April 2019.
The WDES is a data-based standard that uses a series of measures (Metrics) to improve the experiences of disabled staff in the NHS.
The WDES comprises 13 metrics which are based on workforce data, primarily drawn from the Electronic Staff Survey and the NHS Staff Survey.
The metrics have been developed to capture information relating to the experience of disabled staff in the NHS. The annual collection of the WDES metrics allows Trusts to better understand and improve the employment experiences of disabled staff.
At Newcastle Hospitals together with the Disability Staff Network we have implemented a number of initiatives to improve a ‘sense of belonging’ and raise awareness of the issues faced by disabled colleagues and our WDES action plan identifies our current priorities.
A targeted approach is being taken to achieve improvements and accelerate progress towards the overall aim of workforce and workplace that is fair and equitable for all.