Screen time
Children learn best through interacting with adults and the world around them. Use of screen time when a child is very young is linked to long-term difficulties with attention, communication, problem-solving and social skills
Accessibility tools
Children learn best through interacting with adults and the world around them. Use of screen time when a child is very young is linked to long-term difficulties with attention, communication, problem-solving and social skills
Audience: Patients and visitors
Learning to talk starts long before a child learns their first words. Communicating is not all about talking, there are many things a child needs to learn about before they develop words.
Audience: Patients and visitors
Topic: Speech and language therapy
Our commitment to continuously strive for excellence in the delivery of high quality nutrition and hydration care
Audience: Governors, Members, Patients and visitors, Staff
Topic: Clinical, Environment, Patients, People, Strategy
Type: Strategy
The aim of this leaflet is to provide some information about the treatment of amblyopia. If you have any further questions, please ask an Orthoptist or Ophthalmologist involved in the care of your child.