This page gives you details about the frequently asked questions about our Governors.
What kind of people may become Governors?
We want the Council of Governors to reflect as far as possible the people we serve.
All Governors are expected to demonstrate a real and enduring interest in the future planning and success of the Newcastle Hospitals Trust through active engagement. They are required to uphold NHS values and principles and act in accordance with the Trust’s Code of Conduct for Governors.
They must act with integrity and demonstrate high ethical standards in their decision-making and behaviour. They listen sensitively to the views of others and seek to represent their constituency whenever possible.
Ideally Governors will have strong analytical skills, sound judgement, strong interpersonal skills and a willingness to challenge, question and probe, although the Trust recognises these skills can be developed over time and as confidence builds.
All Governors are able to express opinions, prioritise and gain the trust and respect of fellow Governors and Directors.
In terms of knowledge, all Governors are expected to have or to develop a good understanding of their corporate responsibilities, the Newcastle Hospitals Trust, and the environment in which it operates locally and nationally. They will be expected to respond positively to development and training opportunities, and seek to continually update their knowledge and skills to ensure their contribution to the Council of Governors remains informed and relevant.
How many Governors are there on the Council of Governors?
There are 36 Governors on the Council of Governors: 24 Public Governors, 7 Staff Governors, and 5 Nominated Governors, which include representation from:
- Newcastle City Council
- Newcastle University
- Northumbria University
- Advising on the Patient Experience (APEX)
- Charity
How much time would I have to spend as a Governor?
As a Governor you are expected to attend at least nine Council of Governors meetings per year, including the Annual Members Meeting. Time will also be required to read papers provided for each meeting and to deal with queries from the constituency they represent. If an urgent/unforeseen matter arises, Extraordinary Council of Governors may need to be arranged.
There are other optional meetings as follows:
- Informal Chair Drop In Session
- Informal Governors Meeting
- Business and Development Working Group
- People, Engagement and Membership Working Group
- Quality of Patient Experience Working Group
It is not expected to be more than three days per month.
Would I get paid as a Governor?
Governors are not allowed to receive remuneration. Out-of-pocket expenses such as travel expenses are covered. The level of expenses is consistent with those paid for members of the public who are involved in Trust activities.
What support and training would I get as a Governor?
Support is provided by the Trust in terms of general responsibilities and development of individual Governors. Each Governor is required to attend a mandatory learning and development session which covers: information on the Trust; the remit and role of a Governor; meeting procedures; and other areas that have been identified with the Council of Governors.
What if I have individual needs and will have difficulties at meetings?
We will try to ensure that any Governor with individual needs is given the help they need to participate fully in the work of the Council of Governors.
Could I be removed from the Council of Governors?
Governors can be removed from the Council of Governors if they:
- fail to attend at least half of the meetings in any financial year or are absent from three consecutive meetings unless through reasonable causes
- in the opinion of the Council of Governors, they are unfit to discharge the functions of a Governor.
A person may not continue as a Governor if they cease to be a member of the constituency they represent, or if any of the Exclusion and Disqualification Criteria for Governors become applicable to the individual.
To find out more about this criteria:
0191 213 7245