We aim to be an effective partner, developing and delivering integrated care and playing our part in local, regional, national and international programmes.
We are an important part of a wider health and social care economy. We will develop and strengthen effective strategic partnerships across health and social care as well as academia and industry. To be truly successful we need to be part of a successful surrounding ecosystem which will translate into integrated and multi-agency pathways of care for our patients.
Our role in system working and system leadership has been a key consideration for the Board in refreshing our Trust strategy with the ultimate aim of enhancing the delivery of healthcare.
Our partnerships provide added value in all that we do and will enable us to:
- provide better access, outcomes and experience for patients with physical and mental health issues
- offer high quality education and training to ensure the workforce of the future
- generate research and healthcare innovations that translate into patient benefit
- improve population health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities
- generate wealth for the local and regional economies
- ensure clinically sustainable services across the region
- influence national policy
- stay at the cutting-edge of experimental medicine
- give Newcastle global reach
Our aim is not simply to collaborate actively with partner organisations but to be the anchor organistion of system-wide change
Health and Social Care Integration
Our ambition is to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Newcastle who receive health and social care services at home or in intermediate care services by working together with our partners.
We aim to have a genuinely integrated health and social care response to deliver a single, accessible, integrated offer, focused on restoring people’s control and independent .
By integrating health and social care services we believe we can empower the citizens of Newcastle to have a stronger role in improving their own health, wealth and wellbeing through services, education and self-care approaches.