This fast-track project was successfully completed in ten months, opening to patients on 30 September 2022.
The centre was purpose-built to ensure operations and procedures can be delivered efficiently, to improve the experience of patients and maximise the number of people that can be treated.
With four state-of-the-art theatres, an assessment and recovery area, it provides additional capacity for thousands of less complex procedures in specialities such as: musculoskeletal health, urology, general surgery, plastic surgery, neurology and some cardiology procedures.
The centre allows Newcastle hospitals to tackle waiting list backlogs caused by the pandemic and many patients will be transferred across from the main hospital theatres which, in turn, frees them up to carry out more complex work.
More information about the day treatment centreThe day treatment centre is available to patients from across the city and the wider region.
The building was constructed within the provisions of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Coronavirus) (England) (Amendment) Order 2020, under coronavirus legislation.