Our Equality and Diversity Statistics for staff in post and patients treated are set out below.
Our local population
Newcastle upon Tyne is home to nearly 274,000 people and its population is steadily growing as increasing numbers of people come here to study, work and settle. One of the most popular cities in the UK, Newcastle already has an extremely diverse and multi-cultural community.
More and more younger people are arriving to enjoy the city’s vibrant lifestyle and exciting job prospects, and there is a growing older population, as improvements in healthcare enables our more mature residents to enjoy a better quality of life, for longer than ever before.
Our patients
We treat thousands of people here every year at the Newcastle Hospitals, taking care of our local population and beyond with some patients coming here from overseas.
We are committed to providing the best care possible and believe that this is dependent on our patients and their families feeling safe, understood, and treated with respect and compassion – that they have been listened to and provided with a clear information to enable them to make informed choices and have access to the support and advice we have to offer.
We run a well established Equality and Diversity Group which has patient representation to ensure clear patient voice and involvement and we also work closely with our local Patient and Public Involvement and Community Advisory Panels to encourage patient engagement on a diverse range of issues.
Patient Data
The table below sets out who has accessed our services by age, gender and ethnicity: