Apheresis involves the collection, separation and return of cells and fluids in the blood. This may include collecting stem cells for patients donating for transplant purposes or exchanging red cells in patients with sickle cell diseases
Bone marrow biopsies
A bone marrow biopsy involves taking a small sample of the bone marrow which is the factory that makes all of the blood cells. We provide a routine and emergency service for performing bone marrow biopsies.
Chemotherapy and supportive therapies day unit
We provide day unit space for the administration of chemotherapy and other supportive infusions such as coagulation factors, immunoglobulin therapy, antibody therapy and blood transfusion. We also have space to review new and existing patients as well as perform practical procedures.
Intrathecal chemotherapy
Intrathecal chemotherapy involves injecting chemotherapy into the fluid around the spine. It is given for patients with haematological malignancies affecting the nervous system or to prevent this from occurring.
GP Advice and Guidance
We participate in the Advice and Guidance service. We aim to reply to all GP Advice and Guidance requests within 48 hours but an answer will often come sooner.
Laboratory haematology
Haematologists are dual trained in clinical and laboratory haematology and so have input in the safe running of haematology and transfusion laboratories in the hospital. We report blood film and bone marrow biopsy samples as well as provide interpretative comments on other specialist tests. For more information on laboratory haematology see:
Newcastle LaboratoriesNEHODS
The Northern England Haemato-Onology Diagnostic Service (NEHODS) brings together expertise in haematology, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, molecular genetics and immunophenotyping. With a centralised specimen reception at the Royal Victoria Infirmary and integrated laboratory services, NEHODS aims to improve outcomes for patients within Northern England by providing cost-effective and timely results for diagnosis, prognostication and monitoring of haematological malignancies. We provide fully integrated laboratory reports for Clinical Haematologists across the region.
Transfusion of blood products is an essential part of the safe running of the hospital. Haematologists are involved with implementing safe transfusion policy and offering transfusion advice out of hours.