Our Mental Health Matters strategy applies to people of all ages and covers all aspects of mental health and wellbeing.
Our mental health strategy includes
- Mental illness
- Psychological distress
- Dementia
- Autism
- Learning disability
47% of all people discharged from our wards and departments have both a mental and physical health condition.
The Trust’s new mental health strategy is the result of 18 months of collaborative work from a steering group made up of contributors from a range of backgrounds and experiences. This included staff and an expert reference group of patients and carers with lived experience.
Download and read our mental health strategyWe know that mental health and psychological wellbeing is a core component of overall health, and we are committed to providing fully holistic services. This strategy will guide how we can meet the needs of our patients, carers and staff to ensure people’s mental health needs are met whether they are visiting or work for Newcastle Hospitals.
Rachael Gregory, Associate director of nursing (mental health)