Ward 34 is our new transitional care ward.
Ward 24 has:
- 6 Beds 5 cubicles/flats 3 with en suite shared with NICU
You will be cared for on this ward after giving birth on delivery suite if:
- Your baby is born between 34+0 and 36+6 weeks
- Your baby weighs >1800g and <2000g
- Your baby requires intravenous antibiotics but is otherwise well.
- Your baby requires feeding via a NG tube
You may also be re-admitted from home if:
- Your baby has lost >14% of their birth weight
- Your baby requires oral medication
- Your baby needs support with their blood sugars
Visiting hours for ward 34 are:
8am – 8pm
Birthing partners, siblings plus two other visitor during this time.