Newcastle Health Innovation Partners, one of eight Academic Health Science Centres in the UK, brings together world-class research, education and clinical practice for the benefits of the region.
NHIP aim to become the most integrated and innovative Academic Health Science Partnership in the world, working with innovators to discover, develop and deliver new solutions in healthcare, improving population health for North East and North Cumbria citizens.
NHIP Academy
The NHIP Academy supports NMAHPs, pharmacists and healthcare scientists to build the future national and international research leaders. Their senior clinical academics have helped to develop key research capacity building initiatives, such as the HEE Internships and NIHR ICA Pathway.
They contribute to fellowship funding panels and directly mentor and supervise talented individuals across the clinical academic pathway. From internships and pre-doctoral awards to doctoral, post-doctoral and ultimately to professorial awards.
They have a track record of securing national, competitive funding across this pathway and have secured fellowships from NIHR, MRC, Wellcome Trust and major charities.
Their health and care professionals have international reputations for leading cutting edge, interdisciplinary research and providing exciting training opportunities for colleagues to join established research teams. They are committed to supporting clinicians across the training pathway and being flexible to each applicant’s needs.