The Consultants lead on the medical management of your CF Care. They will discuss and adapt to your needs and will communicate this with your GP.
- Dr Bourke
- Dr Doe
- Dr Echevarria
- Dr Duffy (Post-CCT fellow)
Specialist Nurses
The Nursing team will help co-ordinate your CF care, manage portacath access and support your wider needs.
- Alan Anderson
- Susan Parker
- Rachel Hodgson
- Louise Baldwin
The Physio team help to manage secretion clearance and optimise health and wellbeing through the promotion of activity and exercise.
- Laura Blanch
- Rachael Bass
- Lucia Diego (CF Trust Exercise Practitioner Fellowship)
The dietitians will look after your nutritional needs. This may be to support weight gain, weight loss, diabetic or digestive issues.
- Alison Gurney
- Claire Van Zwanenberg
- Amy Leadbitter
Pharmacists will regularly review any medications you are on. This is to ensure treatments are optimized and up to date with your clinical presentation.
- Niall Molloy
We regularly ask for sputum samples or cough swabs in clinic. The microbiology team analyse these samples to identify any infections promptly and ensure swift and appropriate treatments if required.
- Dr. Ali Robb
CF is a complex disease. Our Psychology team are on hand to support you to work through any challenges you may feel you have and provide strategies to help you cope and manage your condition.
- Kristina Westcott
- Fran Wilkins
Social Workers
We understand life can be stressful with regular challenges to overcome. Our Social Worker can support with providing access to and mentoring for applications for grants, financial support and general well being support.
- Sara Connelly
Palliative Care
Our Palliative care team provide a holistic approach to symptom management.
- Dr. Rachel Quibell
- Catherine Telford
Diabetes Team
It can be challenging to manage both CF and diabetes. Our Diabetes team provide an extra level of support to ensure diabetes care is optimised.
- Dr. Angeles Maillo-Nieto