Miss Michelle Russell is a Consultant Gynaecologist at the RVI specialising in both advanced laparoscopic and open surgery. Her interests include cancer diagnostics and cancer surgery, fertility preserving surgery, management of fibroids and advanced outpatient procedures.
Miss Russell qualified in Medicine from The University of Witwatersrand in 2003 and joined the Trust in 2014 as a Consultant Gynaecologist. She has served in many roles within the department culminating in her appointment as Head of Gynaecology in 2021. Miss Russell is the Cervical screening and Colposcopy programme lead and in her previous roles has lead the Oncology service as well as Directorate Quality and Safety.
Miss Russell is GIRFT lead for Gynaecology and has lead the department in reaching the top decile nationally.
Teaching and Training
Miss Russell is an enthusiastic trainer and supports advanced postgraduate training in Benign Abdominal Surgery, Oncology and Colposcopy. Additionally, she provides undergraduate training and specialist placements through Newcastle University.
Miss Russell is research active and serves as a Principal Investigator for several NIHR Portfolio studies.