Newcastle Hospitals has launched its new Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Strategy for 2022-2027 – a fresh, vibrant five year plan dedicated to the trust’s largest collective workforce of over 7,000 nurses, midwives and allied health professionals working across acute and community settings.
With an innovative, interactive approach, this new strategy is designed to keep staff abreast of breaking news and developments, and will shine a bright light on the many talented nurses, midwives and allied health professionals working at Newcastle Hospitals.
“It’s my real pleasure to launch our new Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Strategy,” says Executive Chief Nurse Maurya Cushlow.
“This is our five year plan – our pledge to show how we are going to continuously improve the quality and the care we provide to our patients, through the joint work that we do collectively as professions, whilst supporting our staff to be the best they can be.”
We began this key piece of work in March 2020 when staff came together at a ‘Big Event’ to talk about what was important to their profession both now and in the future.
“This time out allowed us to reflect on our roles,” continues Maurya, “and to think about what was important for us and our future. Little did we know the period of change that we were about to enter.
“This time has tested us all personally and professionally where our compassion has had to come to the fore and we’ve had to use all of our skills and our expertise dealing with some of the most complex and difficult challenges that each and every one of us has ever faced.”
Watch our launch video
Reflecting on the commitment and dedication of colleagues during the pandemic Maurya adds “Yet whilst the last two years have pushed us to our limits, I have been incredibly impressed and proud of the fortitude and determination that has been shown by each and every member of staff as they’ve cared through some of the most difficult circumstances.
“I want to take this opportunity – as we launch our new Strategy – to thank you personally for the part that you’ve played.”
New NMAHPs webzone
As well as sharing their own priorities which shaped the NMAHP Strategy Priorities at The Event, colleagues told us they wanted to hear about news and developments in real time which is why we have made our new NMAHP Strategy interactive.
We have created a ‘web zone’ where we can collectively share examples of the lifechanging work our NMAHPs carry out every single day in real time, as well as our own dedicated twitter feed @NewcastleNMAHPs
All staff can access our webzone where you can find our strategy in full along with a selection of recent good news stories sharing the excellent work of our NMAHP colleagues.
There is also a section dedicated to shining a ‘Spotlight’ on colleagues allowing us to celebrate the many diverse roles throughout our NMAHP workforce.
New NMAHPs Twitter
As well as a dedicated webzone we also recently launched a new twitter feed dedicated to NMAHP colleagues which will regularly provide news update with information relevant to our NMAHP professions.
Please follow @NewcastleNMAHPs and if you would like to contribute then get in touch at [email protected]