Our new Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) Strategy is a five year plan outlining how we pledge to work together to continuously improve the experience and quality of care for our patients, whilst supporting our staff to be the best they can be by liberating their potential.
The uniqueness of our NMAHPs’ contribution as highly specialised professionals is delivered through a shared vision of achieving local excellence and global reach through compassionate and innovative healthcare, education and research.
This, combined with our values and our pride and professionalism is what makes Newcastle’s nurses, midwives and allied health professionals so proud and passionate about who we are and what we do.
We hope we have been able to reflect this pride in our new NMAHPs Strategy.
So how did we produce it?
The ‘Big Event’
Back in March 2020 we held ‘the Big Event’ – a creative gathering bringing together, encouraging and listening to the vibrant and positive voices of our nurses, midwives and allied health professionals. This time out allowed us to reflect on our roles, our history and share views on our hopes and aspirations for the future.

Little did we know that we were about to enter an era none of us could ever have imagined. One that has tested and challenged each and every one of us, where our collective skill and clinical expertise and compassion – so integral to our profession – have proved so vitally important in our Trust’s response.
Our collective experiences in our professional role, our health and wellbeing, our aspirations alongside the learning from the last two years have helped us to develop, shape and inform this strategy.
Our pledge
Together we pledge to work collaboratively to deliver on these aspirations and commitments by having an accessible, visible and understandable strategy. A strategy which recognises both the exclusivity and uniqueness of our individual professional groups, whilst demonstrating what makes nurses, midwives and allied health professionals across Newcastle outstanding.
Throughout the next five years, we will continually engage and communicate with staff and agree together our high impact actions each year to lead us towards our goals. We will work together to continuously improve the quality of care for our patients and ensure all of our staff are supported to liberate their potential and be the best they can be.
Our aspiration is to develop Newcastle Hospitals locally, nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence for nurses, midwives and allied health professional leadership, education, clinical practice and academic research.
Our priorities
This strategy outlines six key priority areas, and how we propose to achieve our aspirations:
Making it happen
Our Strategy’s key priorities are borne out of The Big Event held in March 2020 and reflect the collective vibrant and positive voices of our nurses, midwives and allied health professionals.
It is important therefore, that the key priorities in this document help support and shape actions at a Trust-wide level and within individual wards and departments.
Each year we will set a number of Trust wide High Impact Actions which are deliverable and can be measured.
Whilst we want to ensure these high impact actions are relatable to all staff, due to the diverse nature of our clinical services, individual departments or professional groups can also agree their own local high impact actions.
Sharing best practice
It is also important that we recognise, celebrate and share best practice.
A key focus each year will be to capture and share examples of outstanding practice so that we can demonstrate and celebrate the high quality care we strive to provide, and the compassionate, pioneering spirit our professions are so proud of.
You can see some of these in our “Good news stories” section and in the “What we are doing to deliver on this priority” under each of the six priorities.